
18. Jun. 2024
Simen Dymbe is joining the SCRIBE team!! He will start in August.

22. May. 2024
SCRIBE members are presenting at LREC/Coling in Torino, Italy!

14. Mar. 2024
NordTrans press conference at NTNU on broadcast news transcription in Norwegian. Register here!!

12. Mar. 2024
The SCRIBE team submitted 5 papers to Interspeech 2024!

15. Feb. 2024
Nationalbiblioteket launches the newest Norwegian Whisper model.

18. Dec. 2023
Giampiero Salvi attends the Workshop on Training and Evaluation Data for Italian/Multilingual LLM.

13. Dec. 2023
Giampiero Salvi presents the project at SapienzaNLP.

31. Oct. 2023
Demonstration at NorwAI Innovate. See also the Demos page.

27. Oct. 2023
Second SCRIBE Hackathon in Trondheim. We will prepare a demo for the coming NorwAI Innovate conference

20. Oct. 2023
The SCRIBE team has submitted two papers to LREC-Coling2024!

1. Sep. 2023
Heming Strømholt Bremnes is joining the team!

19. Jun. 2023
New PhD position available. Apply here!

17. May 2023
Two SCRIBE submissions to Interspeech were accepted! See you in Dublin, Ireland!

20. Mar. 2023
Both SCRIBE submissions to NoDaLiDa were accepted! See you in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands!

1. Mar. 2023
The SCRIBE team has submitted 5 papers to Interspeech 2023!

20. Jan. 2023
The SCRIBE team has submitted 2 papers to NoDaLiDa 2023!

29. Sept. 2022.
Oddbjørg Jin Bruun from NRK is joining the team!

20. Sept. 2022.
Janine is presenting her work on sematically meaningful metrics for ASR at Interspeech!

4.-5. May 2022.
First SCRIBE Hackathon in Trondheim

1. Dec. 2021.
Eva Schmallegger is joining the team!

1. Nov. 2021.
Phoebe Parsons is joining the team!

1. Aug. 2021.
Our website is officially online

1. Jul. 2021.
Official starting date